Whale watching in Victoria, British Columbia
One of my favourite things to do when I visit British Columbia is to go on a whale watching tour. I’ve been to BC several times and have been on many whale watching tours in Victoria, Tofino and Vancouver, British Columbia.
While on a sunset whale watching tour in the waters of the Salish Sea near Victoria, we were surrounded by a family of orca whales. Suddenly, an orca whale came out of the water to check us out.

Shortly after the above photo was taken, a mother and baby orca swam under our boat, twice. We also had a rare opportunity to watch Orca whales as they taught their young how to hunt for porpoises and saw a humpback whale and seals. It was my favourite whale watching tour to date.

I highly recommend Eagle Wing Tours in Victoria, British Columbia for these reasons:
- They are Canada’s first carbon-neutral, eco-adventure whale watching company
- They partner with the Songhees First Nation, traditional territory of Victoria, to offer the Songhees Nation Cultural Tour
- They contribute to conservation and education
- They have several tour options and boats available. I enjoyed the tour on the Goldwing.
Watch: Killer Whales swim under our boat
Read: A Close Encounter with Orcas in British Columbia